But how much data does Facebook Messenger use? In this blog post, we will break down how much data Facebook Messenger uses so that you can know how it affects your data usage.

Breakdown of How Much Data Facebook Messenger Uses

Below is a breakdown of how much data Facebook Messenger consumes based on the activities done on the app;

Activity #1: Opening Facebook Messenger App

The Messenger app uses almost 1 MB when it is first launched. The number could change based on your network type. If you’re using WiFi instead of cellular data at launch, you might use more data.

Activity #2: Sending a Text

A text-only communication should typically need between 10 and 20 kilobytes. The amount of data utilized to send a text message via Facebook Messenger depends on the size of the text and the number of recipients. However, emojis, images, or animated GIFs may require more data to view than plain text.

Activity #3: Sending a Video

Each video shared through Messenger uses between 1 and 5 MB. If you’re receiving the video, the usage rate can increase. Based on the length of the video, the usage might increase by 20 MB.

Activity #4: Voice Call

The amount of data used by Facebook Messenger when you make a voice call is inversely related to the call’s duration. On Facebook Messenger, a phone call typically consumes 330 KB to 750 KB of data per minute. To make a voice call of one hour on Messenger, you should have 20 to 45 MB of data available.

Activity #5: Video Call

Video calling on Facebook Messenger is a great way to stay in touch with your friends and family. But how much data does it use? Facebook Messenger video calls typically consume 5 to 15 MB per minute. Accordingly, a one-hour video chat could consume as much as 900 MB of data. This may be a problem if you have a limited data plan.

Monitoring Facebook Messenger Data Usage on Your Phone

If you’re concerned about the amount of data that Facebook Messenger uses on your phone, you can keep an eye on your usage. Here are the steps to follow.

For Android Devices

Follow these steps to monitor Messenger data usage on an Android device:

For iOS Devices

Follow these steps to monitor Messenger data usage on an iOS device:

How To Reduce Data Consumption on Facebook Messenger?

If you notice that Facebook Messenger is consuming too much data from your phone, you may reduce the app’s data usage. Here are different ways to go about it.

Method #1: Use WiFi Whenever Possible

One of the easiest ways to limit data consumption is to use WiFi whenever possible. You won’t be using your data allowance when you’re connected to a WiFi network, so you can chat away without worry.

Method 2#: Restrict Background Data

Another option is to disable or limit background data for a specific app. To do that, follow the steps below.

For Android Devices

Follow these steps to restrict background data usage on your Android device:

For iOS Devices

Follow these steps to restrict background data usage on your iOS device:

Method #3: Use Messenger Lite

The Lite version of the Messenger app is a bit better in data consumption. Hence, this allows you to call and send texts or photos without consuming much of your data. 

Method #4: Use Data Saver on Messenger

The Facebook messenger app has a built-in data saver feature that helps reduce data usage. Once enabled, you can save your info while chatting with pals. Without an active WiFi connection, the app won’t download the images and videos given to you. To use this option, follow the steps below:


All in all, Facebook Messenger uses a relatively significant amount of data. The rate at which Messenger consumes data depends on how often you use the app and what kind of activities you do within the app.  If you’re on a limited data plan, it’s something to be aware of. However, if you’re not worried about data usage, Messenger is still an excellent option for staying connected with friends and family. 

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title: “How Much Data Does Facebook Messenger Use " ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-22” author: “Catherine Hartzell”

Messenger’s data usage rate may go unnoticed if you have a stable WiFi connection. However, if you’re relying on cellular data losing 1 megabyte each minute veers towards the extreme side. That’s why it’s essential to comprehend how Facebook Messenger consumes your data. So, let’s break down how Facebook Messenger uses data.

What Can Facebook Messenger Do?

The instant messaging app can do many other things apart from sending and receiving texts:

You can send or receive photos and videos using your Messenger app.The app supports moving GIFs.If you lack words to communicate your reaction or how you feel, you can attach emojis to your messages.The app allows you to make voice and video calls.You can watch videos on the app.The app has a send money option. You not only talk to your family but also send them money.It’s possible to play games with your friends via Facebook Messenger.

How Does Facebook Messenger Use Data?

All these functions consume different levels of data. Let’s break it down to get the exact data usage.

Launching Facebook Messenger App

When you launch the app, it consumes close to 1 megabyte. The figure may vary depending on your internet connection. You may use more data at launch if you’re using a WiFi connection than cellular data.

Sending a Text

The data usage for sending a text is quite low on Messenger. Texts are lighter. Hence, they consume less data compared to other features on the app. A text-only message may consume 10-20 kilobytes. Attaching emojis, photos, or GIFs may use more data to open and read the text.

Sending a Video

Sharing a video via Messenger consumes 1 to 5 megabytes per video. The usage rate may increase if you’re on the receiving end. The usage may go up by 20 megabytes, depending on the length and content of the video. 

Making a Voice Call

Voice calls use more data than sending or receiving texts. Your consumption rate may be low or high based on your internet speed. Voice calls may consume 333 kilobytes to 0.75 megabytes per minute. You’ll need 20 to 45 megabytes of data to make an hour of voice calls via Messenger.

Making Video calls

A video call via Messenger is the most convenient way to connect with your family and friends. But it comes at a cost. A video call may take 5-15 megabytes per minute. It may vary depending on your internet speed and video quality. A poor internet connection results in poor video quality. The low-quality video will result in a lower consumption rate. You may consume up to 260 megabytes an hour on such a network. The video quality will be spectacular if you’re on a fast network. But, this will cost more data. Your consumption rate can shoot to 15 megabytes per minute. That’s why it’s advisable to make video calls via Facebook Messenger when you’re on a WiFi connection. Nonetheless, you can always check your consumption rate using your phone.

How To Monitor Facebook Messenger Data Usage on Your Phone

On an Android Phone

You can also tap the WiFi option if you wish to view your WiFi usage rate.

On an iPhone

Ways To Limit Facebook Messenger Data Consumption

You can limit the app’s data usage rate. Here is how to do it.

Restrict Facebook Messenger Background Data

You can turn off or restrict background data right for a particular app on your phone.

On an Android Phone

Or, switch to Data saver mode:

On an iPhone

Use Facebook Messenger Lite

Facebook Messenger Lite is a bit lighter. Thus, you can make calls and send photos or texts without draining your data.

Use Data Saver Option on Facebook Messenger

The data saver helps users on mobile data plans consume less data. Once turned on, you’ll save your data as you chat with your friends. The app will not download the videos and photos sent to you unless you’re on an active WiFi connection. So:

In Conclusion

Facebook Messenger consumes lots of data. But the app does a lot, and these functions consume data. Fortunately, there are various ways to save your data. You can opt to restrict background data. Also, the lite version will let you save data. Another option is strictly using Messenger while on an active WiFi network. Or better still, turn on the data saver option on your app. All in all, I guess you’ve learned something about Messenger data usage and how to save your data. If you have more concerns, share them below.

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