And now, all you want to do is watch more videos from this user. But you’re unsure how to follow and find similar content creators. Here’s a quick guide on how to follow people on TikTok. Here we have covered everything about following and unfollowing someone on TikTok. Apart from that, there are several common questions around the same topic to clarify things better.

What Does It Mean To Follow Someone on TikTok?

When you follow someone on TikTok, you’ll see their videos in your feed. You can also get notifications when they post something new. Following someone is a great way to support their work and ensure you don’t miss any of their latest videos. Essentially, following someone on TikTok is like subscribing to their channel. Once you follow someone, their videos will appear in your feed, just like any other account you’re following. You can also opt to get notifications whenever they post something new, which can be helpful if you want to ensure you don’t miss anything they post.

How Do You Follow Someone on TikTok?

It might be a weird question to some, but many people actually don’t know how to follow someone on TikTok. If you’re one of those people, don’t worry, we’re here to help. Also, if you think there is only one way to find new people to follow, you would be wrong. There are different ways to find people to follow. Here, we’ve mentioned three methods to make it easier for you.

Procedure To Follow via Your Feed

This is the primary method that most people are already aware of. Anyway, here’s the process. You can also follow users on the “For You” page without opening their profile. To do so, tap on the “Plus” (+) icon below the user’s profile picture on the right side of the screen.

This process is handy when you want to follow someone and know their username. If you have someone like that in mind, here’s how you can follow them.

Procedure To Follow Form Sync Contacts and Facebook Friends

Many users are unaware of this process or don’t use it often. But it’s convenient as it eliminates the hassle of manually searching for contacts and Facebook friends. If you want to follow your contacts and Facebook friends, here’s what you need to do.


So, this is how you follow someone on TikTok. We hope the article was helpful, and you’ll find the most outstanding content creators out there. Have fun finding new people to follow and discovering new content. Ciao for now!

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