When you have multiple Telegram groups, it makes sense that you may want to hide groups in Telegram to avoid someone from accessing them. It could be you want to give someone access to your phone, and you don’t want them to access your Telegram groups. This guide covers the steps for hiding groups in Telegram. We will see the steps for muting a group, archiving it, and hiding the archived group from the chat window. Also, we will see how to unarchive the group and display it on your chat window. Lastly, we will discuss various questions about hiding groups in Telegram.

Can You Hide Groups in Telegram?

Yes, you can. Telegram offers a means of enhancing your privacy by letting users decide when and which groups they want to hide in Telegram. That way, keeping a clean chat list can safeguard your group conversations from a preying eye. Regarding groups in Telegram, you can hide a specific chat or the entire group chat by archiving it. Let’s see how to hide groups in Telegram.

Step-By-Step Guide for Hiding Groups in Telegram

Whether it’s your group you want to hide or a random group you are a member of, hiding the group is a straightforward task, and anyone can quickly achieve that. First, mute the group to avoid getting notifications once you’ve hidden it. Follow the below steps to mute a Telegram group: With the group muted, let’s proceed with the steps for archiving it. Use the below steps: You will notice the group will get archived and move to the “Archived chats” pinned at the top. Although this works in archiving the Telegram group, someone accessing your Telegram can view the message and its conversation from the pinned archived chats. The solution is to hide the pinned chats from the chat window using the below steps: The Telegram group you wanted to hide is now achieved; someone can’t detect so unless they access your archived chats.

How To Unarchive Groups in Telegram

Hiding groups in Telegram is an excellent way to ensure someone doesn’t prey on your group conversations. Later, when you want to view the group conversations and new messages, you will need to unarchive the groups. Follow the steps below to unarchive groups in Telegram: That’s it. Your Telegram group is unarchived and now available on the chat window.


To hide groups in Telegram, start by muting the group. Next, long-press on the group and archive it. Lastly, hide the archived chats to remove the group from the chat window.

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