Even though the primary purpose of a Facebook group is to connect with friends and family, some people can abuse this freedom by adding you to groups you know nothing about or to others whose agenda you don’t relate to. Getting multiple group notifications and ads when you don’t relate to a specific Facebook group can be annoying. In this case, it’s best to learn how to stop people from adding you to Facebook groups without your permission. You can prevent people from adding you to Facebook groups in a few simple steps. To learn more about stopping people from adding you to groups on Facebook and other methods to use, read this article to the end.

Overview of Leaving and Blocking Facebook Groups

Over time, Facebook groups have moved from small social media circles to share fun and entertaining content to groups people use to spam and market their products. Even though there’s technically nothing wrong with marketing your products or services on a Facebook group, it matters if the people in the group have not consented to the kind of content you are sharing. It is essential to maintain people’s privacy and boundaries by asking if they wish to join a particular Facebook group before adding them. Sometimes, you can drown in a sea of notifications after a friend has added you to a group with more than two hundred thousand members. It can be challenging knowing who added or how all these people joined a group in cases like this. For many Facebook groups with many members, the founding group admins exchange each other’s friends and then use specific browser extensions or other IT tools to add members simultaneously. Receiving notifications from such a group can be annoying and overwhelming enough to ruin your Facebook experience. Next, we make a step-by-step guide on stopping other people from adding you to Facebook groups.

Leaving and Blocking Facebook Groups: Step-by-Step Guide

If a friend or family member unknowingly adds you to a Facebook group, use any of the methods below to leave the group and block them from adding you back to the group.

Method #1: Leaving the Group

Before the 2019 Facebook update, there was no way to prevent Facebook friends from adding you to a group. Luckily this update included a feature you can utilize to prevent a friend from re-adding you to a Facebook group after you leave. Here’s how to do it: After completing this blocking process, you can no longer see nor receive notifications from the group. It’s also impossible for other group members to add you back to the group. But, there’s an option to manually rejoin the Facebook group if you wish.

Method #2: Unfriending or Blocking

If you have one or many Facebook friends who add you to unwanted Facebook groups, it is simpler to unfriend them or block them. Here’s how to do it: Use the method below to block them: After blocking them, they can no longer add you to Facebook groups or even view your Facebook page. Remember, if you ever wish to unblock this friend after some time, you will need to send them a new friend request so you can be Facebook friends again.


As you’ve learned, you can stop people from adding you to Facebook groups with a few simple moves. The first method is to leave the group and then select the option ‘Prevent other members from adding you to this group.’ If the first method doesn’t work for you, you can unfriend the friend and then block them. This way, they can’t see your profile and can’t add you to any Facebook groups.

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