The app evaluates who you talk to the most and who you exchange the most snaps with before naming them your best friend. However, things change; friends part ways, and you may want to remove that individual from your profile. We’ve got you covered if you want to change or remove your Snapchat friends. This article will show you how to remove someone from your best friends list.

How To Remove Best Friends On Snapchat

There are a few different methods to consider if you want to remove someone from your Best Friends list on Snapchat. These would depend on your preference, so we’ll be giving a breakdown of them. Let’s get into it.

Removing By Deleting Them

If you want to completely remove a contact from your best friends list, the first method is perhaps the simplest. Here’s how it’s done: Removing a best friend is a temporary solution that allows them to keep sending messages to you. It’s worth noting that if you decide otherwise, you may add them back later. Blocking a friend, on the other hand, is more permanent – by selecting this option, you’ll not only remove them from your list, but you’ll also remove yourself from theirs. They’ll no longer have access to your Snap score.

Removing by Muting Them

This method may also take a little longer, but it is still relatively simple. You can limit your interactions with the person you want to remove by muting their stories, notifications, and texts. All that’s required is to take the following steps:

How To Remove Someone Without Deleting Them

If you want to remove someone from your best friend list with a less fashionable approach, the following strategy may be more suitable. Reduce your interaction with the person in question as a simple remedy to this problem. By sending fewer texts and snaps, the system will begin to track the shift, modifying your best friend’s status over time. You may have to wait for one to two weeks for this to happen, but you’ll undoubtedly agree that it’s a much more subtle way of doing things.


We understand that friendships don’t always pan out, and constantly seeing a person in a position on Snapchat we no longer count them in real life can be uncomfortable. Thankfully, with the methods given above, whether you want to delete them entirely or take a more subtle approach, such situations can be rectified quickly.

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